When an email came through from etsy shop that someone was interested in my colourful critter mobile, I felt like an excited little girl in a candy shop for the first time!
I am absolutely delighted to say that this mobile sold and is currently on it's way to Portland, Oregon!
New projects:
I decided I need to branch out a little and head into designing an owl and for a personalised door/wall hanging. Now if you read this post you will understand that it has been a very long time since I picked up a pencil and drew something, so I put it off and tried very hard to convince myself that I could actually draw!
So, here it is:
Since drawing this cute little owl, I went out and bought some felt and got on my way making a personalised door hanging for my daughter. I am very happy with the result and I am now selling this one as an example for a personalised door or wall hanging. I am in the process of making one for my son. I plan on making matching mobiles.
Available on FELT & ETSY.
A friend asked if I could make this owl in a smaller size so last night I went about making it half the size which is fine when it comes to the body but making the eyes, beak and feet took a little time due to the smallness of them... hehe. She will be making her new home in Australia soon.

And, I have decided to design 3 more cute animals, an elephant, giraffe and lion. This is just the drawing stage of course.

I have put together some gift vouchers in $10,$15, $20, $25, $30. Also available on my FELT and ETSY stores.
I am very excited to announce that a close family friend has a stall at The SENZ 2011 NZ Scrapbooking Cardmaking and Craft Expo which is being held in Manukau Telstra Clear Events centre this whole weekend and has kindly offered to have some of my mobiles on display!
So there you have it! On the up from here!!
(Would love your support on my facebook business page)